TV, Radio, Print & Outdoor

Our team’s established expertise in traditional media can broaden your Brand’s Awareness and deepen the online & offline user engagement.

+58 %

Relative Lift

+56 %

in Traffic

+41 %

on Sales in the new collection

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nisl velit, pharetra vitae sodales ut, aliquam in turpis. Sed vitae pellentesque sapien. Aenean consequat, ligula tempor porta semper, erat lorem venenatis tellus, nec suscipit ante odio et lectus. Aenean sodales ipsum eleifend sapien finibus volutpat. Curabitur libero arcu, mattis ac nunc eu, sodales rhoncus lorem. In laoreet scelerisque orci, in dapibus mauris pellentesque scelerisque. Vestibulum gravida ex nec ante tempus, at lobortis mauris luctus. In ac ligula nec mi semper luctus. Donec a purus ut sem euismod pulvinar ac molestie enim. Aenean eget aliquet massa. Phasellus lobortis lorem vitae ornare aliquam.

The case

Bodytalk was born out of a boundless love and admiration for this amazing tool we all have: our body. Not the super toned body, or the flawless body, or the body you see in fashion shoots, no. Bodytalk supports every body, and aims to bring out all of its potential.

The company is one of the leading in the field of sportswear having rightfully conquered the Greek market in recent years both through its physical stores and through our digital and online store.

The real deal

Bodytalk is the largest Greek sportswear brand. It was founded in 1996 in Athens and today it has 26 exclusive stores, dynamic activity in many countries around the world and a strong online presence.

Faced with the challenge of a new post-covid era, Bodytalk set the goal of increasing online revenue through systematic investment in digital channels and especially sales from its new collections.

In order to achieve the above objectives, the Bodytalk team in collaboration with our team were asked to redefine the digital marketing strategy followed by the company, facing two main challenges:

  1. To increase brand awareness and the visibility of the new collections, in order to maximize sales from them.
  2. Improving the effectiveness of performance campaigns in the channels where there is opportunity.

Our Approach

Having set the above goals, Bodytalk and our team developed a new digital marketing strategy, activating campaigns and tools.

    1. Branding
      The branding strategy was designed based on short duration Branding Bursts, targeting new audiences with high frequency, in a cross-channel logic.

      The main campaigns that were activated:

      • YouTube Efficient Reach
      • Facebook Reach & Frequency
      • TikTok Reach & Frequency – Top Feed
      • Teads In-Read Ads

      At the same time, tools were used to estimate results (Google Reach Planner) and to measure effectiveness (Brand Lift, Search Lift Study).

      Indicatively, the main bursts are Back to School, Underwear, Loungewear, Fall Winter, Spring Summer, Swimwear.

    2. Performance
      The 2 main axes in terms of media & performance were:

      1. Branding Repeats, to boost sales of new collections, targeting the audiences exposed to the Bursts. The main campaigns activated: YouTube Video Action, Google Discovery, Facebook Conversions, TikTok Conversions, combined with shopping – catalog sales formats.
      2. Activation of new and improvement of existing performance campaigns in order to maximize online turnover in all our key channels, taking into account both their spend and their contribution to the total turnover.

The Outcomes

Despite the difficulties and challenges, through the above process Bodytalk achieved significant results in terms of both awareness and performance.

More specifically:

  • Bodytalk’s brand lift increased by more than 15% after the main Awareness bursts, a rate +107% higher than that of brands belonging to the same industry in Greece.
  • The Fall Winter burst achieved a 58% Relative Lift, the estimated increase in search volume from those exposed to the campaign, compared to the search volume of those not exposed.
  • At the same time we had an increase in the traffic of the eshop by 56% compared to last year.
  • At the same time, sales in the new collection increased by 41% for the same period.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nisl velit, pharetra vitae sodales ut, aliquam in turpis. Sed vitae pellentesque sapien. Aenean consequat, ligula tempor porta semper, erat lorem venenatis tellus, nec suscipit ante odio et lectus.



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